
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mental Fitness

 Mental Fitness is the key to a health body and integral way of life (or “do” as it is known as in Asian Cultures). Examples of the mind-body connection  are apparent in case studies that show how healthy minds cause our physical body to change and evolve. Positive thoughts, feelings and emotions outwardly affect and alter our perception of life and our, very personal, “Human Experience”. The elevation of self awareness enables them to better manage the every day ebbs and flows of the tides of mental chatter. Through this, life long learning, process the individual connects with the cosmic consciousness, the universe and their higher self. 

Benefits of Mental Fitness
 Feeling of being connected
Understand your purpose 
Development of gratitude 
Personal understanding of your body
Development of clarity
Control Urges
Better Immune Function
Healthier Heart
Research Article 1:
      Candace Pert, a research professor at Georgetown University, discovered Neuropeptides that circulating in the body carrying messages from the immune system to the brain. In addition these Neuropeptides also carry messages of our emotions, images and thoughts. This research, in addition to other discoveries of the mind body connection, aided the scientific communities belief that thought can control an individuals well being; and by changing negative emotions and feelings to positive ones hereby creating a positive effect on overall health and well being. (Schlitz, Amorok & Micozzi p.64)

Research Article 2:
Dr Richard Davidson, currently working on a study “Mental Olympians”, discovered that these individuals have a high level of  left prefrontal brain cortex activity, which is the area that correlates with positive emotions.  This helped him identify areas of the brain that became activate during negative and positive mental states. In addition, he compared 2 types of people: 1 - a group trained  for eight weeks in stress and relaxation techniques,  and 2 - those who were untrained.  He found that the immune system of the  trained group exceeded the untrained group. He also found that training proved helped months after when this testing  was done. 

Research Article 3:
Rudolph Byrd conducted a study on the effectiveness of pray and to established that distant prayer can be studied in the same fashion that drugs are. This study helped break the taboo against prayer as a subject of medical research. He studied a group of cardiology patients who have received prayers from a group outside of the hospital. And Showed how patients who were prayed for had fewer deaths and less difficulties in their disease. In the study published in 1988, Rudolph Byrd made a monumental breakthrough. The group of coronary care patients received intercessory prayer and another group was in a controlled group. The prayer was offered by a group outside of the hospital, they were not instructed on how often to pray but just as often as they see fit. This group, the doctors or nurses were not aware of who was receiving the prayers. The group who were prayed for had less deaths, fewer ventilator support, fewer potent drugs and required cardiopulmonary resuscitation less often.
Creative Visualization:
   Creative visualization is the technique of using one's imagination to visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one's life and refers to the practice of seeking to affect the outer world via changing one's thoughts. It involves technique underlying positive thinking and is used by athletes to enhance their performance. This practice came from Hindu Monistic theory of the Universe. 

  Mental fitness strengthens the mind and with a tiny commitment of time and effort can transform lives. Practiced regularly it can help us maintain optimal well-being. By using creative visualization and positive thinking the individual can expand awareness of themselves and the world around them, helping able to cope and manage stress, anxiety, diseases and illnesses. It also helps to improve the immune system which helps guard against illness and disease. In our pursuit for life long growth and wholeness mental fitness helps healthy state  and assist in growing into full potential.


Dacher, E.S. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications. Inc.
Schlitz, M., Amorok, T. & Micozzi, M.S., (2005). Consciousness &  Healing: Integral approach to Mind-Body Medicine. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone.
Davis, D., (2010). Mental Fitness. Kaplan University. Retrieved on February 11, 2011 from

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