
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

360 view on selling: The way a Grand Master looks at selling

Today I had the pleasure of being in a business meeting with Grand Master Zulfi Ahmed. In the meeting it was so unique to view and experience the prospective of an individual of his caliber. What I think was so different was the way that he was teaching the other school owners and lead instructors how to sell. Now my professional back ground is selling income producing property and traditionally we are taught techniques like modeling your prospect, using different closing techniques like the Ben Franklin, and how to over come objections that may arise in any given appointment. When he spoke the world seem to come from his heart rather than a Brian Tracy audio CD in sales training. He talked about many of the traditional ideas of building re pour with an individual but what was different was the way that he communicated his idea. The way that he talked suited him so well that value just seemed to pour from his month. Shoot, I would had bought anything this man was selling. What I wonder if this feeling comes from just doing what you love for a life time and being able to physically, emotionally and spiritually being able to express this love into words and action. I know that this short writing is a cheap interpretation of what occurred in the meeting but it is something that I wanted to share with the world. I suppose the moral of the story is that when you do what you love and love what you do selling becomes obsolete because your words and actions build value far beyond what is being offered.

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