
Sunday, February 13, 2011

2011 Spiritual,Physical, Mental Goals and Action Plan

In America much of an individuals energy in healing is spent only focusing on the external factors of illness. This narrow focus only highlights 1 of a 4 quadrant approach to integral medicine. Integral medicine, in converse, focuses on the human being as a whole striving to discover the underlying issue and service the whole chain of illness, making it important for a health and wellness professional to understand. Integral healing focuses on four different parts of the human experience including:
• Interior – Individual (intentional)
The upper left quadrant is the “I “state of being (Interior Individual). This incorporates meditation, guided imagery, relaxation techniques, visualization, and contemplative prayer.
• Exterior – Individual (Behavioral)
The upper right quadrant (Exterior – Individual) involves the behavior of the individual.
• Interior- Collective (Cultural)
The lower left quadrant is the “we” state of being (Interior – collective) and involves the cultural aspects of the person. This covers the surrounding groups, support networks along with communication between doctors and patients. Studies have found that patients with strong support groups have faster recovery times and higher survival rates.
• Exterior – Collective (Social)
The lower right quadrant (Exterior – Collective) involves the social systems of the individual and sees health issues in a larger context of ecological systems and environmental toxins.
By understanding this greater physical wellness can be fostered. In addition integrating the five characteristics of Aeclepian healing will also enhance the effects of the psychologically, spiritually and physically development. They play a key role in the setting of goals. For the purpose of setting personal psychological, spiritual and physical goal that are integral in nature it is important they encompass the following attribute:
1. Holistic: including the four aspects of human life - Psycho spiritual, biological, interpersonal, and worldly.
2. Evolutionary: This is the step by step process taken to grow as an individual and to awaken into a larger world possibilities
3. Intentional: The consciousness that allows us to thoughtfully, carefully, and proactively determine our choices and carry them out.
4. Person-centered: People need to be ability to find for themselves the best ways to help them.
5. Dynamic: People need to have the ability to explore themselves and a large variety of ways to help themselves.
By developing goals in the manner and also making sure they are S.M.A.R.T.E.R will help me as a professional health and wellness coach by defining my purpose and create clarity. There is an old saying that “there is power in celerity”. The Acronym S.M.A.R.T.E.R stands for:
• Specific: Goals need to be something specific.
• Measurable: Goals need to be measurable.
• Achievable: Goals need to be reasonable and achievable.
• Realistic: Goals need to be realistic.
• Time Framed: Goals need to have a time frame.
• Evaluate: Seeing what is working and what needs improvement.
• Reevaluate: Constantly redoing and refining.
By creating goals and objectives that exhibit the attribute of both principles they will help discover the true root of issues that hold me back from fully realizing the potential of the different levels of the human experience. Also by treating me in this way, like Schnall suggests in his research, this will cause deep and profound changes for the better in the person making lasting changes.

Consistent exercise is a excellent way to create physical wellness. A workout regiment should be balanced with cardio and resistance training. Cardio helps with cardiovascular health and resistance assists with muscle development. Exercise has been shown to release chemicals in the brain that reduce stress and balance hormones in the body. Psychological wellness can be achieved through life long learning. Mathematics, reading, and memory exercises keep the mind toned and sharp. Psychological wellness have been shown to curve the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Also from personal experience, this helps with concentration and focus. Spiritual wellness is when you look inside for answers to life's questions. Meditation, visualization, and self contemplation are excellent ways to bolster the spirit. By addressing all of the parts of being a person can grow evenly and healthy. This also helps with concentration and mental focus.


Life Question Spiritual Physical Psychological
How old would someone think you were if they just met you? Mature 30 -35 years of Age Middle Age
How happy are you with life? 7 7 7
At what level do you feel you are at in life? 8 5 6
Decisions are being made right now. Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? Yes, I feel that I am making good progress in this matter. Yes, I choose to work out No, I feel that I am lacking in education to achieve the success that I am looking for.
Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? Practice being grateful to higher power Yes, use hugs and loving words to express my feelings No, need to study more words to better express myself. Lack in Romance.
What makes you smile? I practice positive affirmation I like to see myself fit. ?
What are your favorite things to do in the past? excercise Reading/ listening to books
What activities make you lose track of time? Karate Karate Studying
What makes you feel great about yourself? I like to feel good and think positive. See myself being successful. I like to see a six pack and muscles. I like to close deals. I like to be able to read a book and be able to apply it in my life. I like doing math and financial calculations
Who inspires you most? (Anyone you know or do not know. Family, friends, authors, artists, leaders, etc.) Which qualities inspire you, in each person? Grand Master Zulfi
Brakie Jule Heidi Butcher
What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts etc.) Positive thinking, focus, Strong, perseverance Muscle Memory, physical tasks Math, I pick up things fast, thinking, creating ideas
What do people typically ask you for help in? Carry, Move, Clean Strategic Planning, Advice, insight
If you had to teach something, what would you teach? Wholeness Sparring, Breaking, real estate How to create a plan, Purpose
What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life? Climbing mount fuji Being part of something in school Completing school
What are your deepest values? Perseverance, respect, honor, indomitable spirit, family, love Strength, power, agility, dexterity Understanding, acceptance, learning
What causes do you strongly believe in? Connect with? ? Obesity is killing the world ?
If you could get a message across to a large group of people. Who would those people be? What would your message be? ? ? ?
Given your talents, passions and values. How could you use these resources to serve, to help, to contribute? ( to people, beings, causes, organization, environment, planet, etc.) ? ? ?
You are now 90 years old, sitting on a rocking chair outside your porch; you can feel the spring breeze gently brushing against your face. You are blissful and happy, and are pleased with the wonderful life you’ve been blessed with. Looking back at your life and all that you’ve achieved and acquired, all the relationships you’ve developed; what matters to you most? That I lived my life the way that I intended to live it and that my decisions were mine to make. That I pushed my body to its physical greatness. That my mind was well used and admired by the people around me.

Spiritual Goals: Based on the first three questions in the assessment, what can I do to achieve my target age, increase my happiness, and increase the level which I view my self?
Life Question Spiritual Physical Psychological
How old would someone think you were if they just met you? Mature 30 -35 years of Age Middle Age
How happy are you with life? 7 7 7
At what level do you feel you are at in life? 8 5 6

Question: What is your goal for the way that people perceive you in regards to your spirituality?
Goal: I would like people to view me as an old soul. defines an old soul as: A spiritual person whom is wise beyond their years; people of strong emotional stability. Basically, someone whom has more understanding of the world around them.
I do not mine being viewed as mature in this sense.
My goal would be to develop out my knowledge base in this area. I feel that I am on a good path but there is still a long way to go. That is why the level is denoted as an 8. I personally believe that level 10 would be enlightenment or Unity Consciousness, level 9 the calm and abiding mind, level 8 witnessing-mind and level 7 as Sensorimotor. I feel that I am conscious of item and through meditation have been able to stay in the now for more and more of my life. The distant between level 9 and 10 seem as vast as deep space at this point.
Goal: Read/ listen to 12 books or lectures in regard to spirituality and spiritual development in 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
x x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Meditation for a total of 24 hours in 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Practice kata: Basudai, Kankudai, Gojushiodai, Seuchin 120 time each in 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x x x x X

Physical Goals: Based on the first three questions in the assessment, what can I do to achieve my target age, increase my happiness, and increase the level which I view my self?
Life Question Spiritual Physical Psychological
How old would someone think you were if they just met you? Mature 30 -35 years of Age 30
How happy are you with life? 7 7 7
At what level do you feel you are at in life? 8 7 6

Question: What is your goal for the way that people perceive you in regards to your Physical Self?
Goal: I would like to people see me as physically fit and my target age is 27 in physical appearance.
I feel that I am on the right path for my fitness goal and physical appearance goals. I do feel that there is much that I need to learn in regards to physical health and beauty. I have a better than 75% of people work out regiment. However I do feel that I can do better. I spend approximately 4 hours per week exercising. I should be workout about 7 hours per week so I will need to step it up. The problem that I have most is on my diet. From time to time I eat more refine sugar than I should but on whole I eat OK. I rated my physical self as a 7 because I feel that I can o more and there are things that I would change about my physical body and things that I worry about in regards genetics.
Goal: Add cardio back to work out routine. Min 2 days per week.
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
x x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Add Breathing Practice: power lung exercise to routine. 15 x per day
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Add Eye push ups to routine: 15 times per day
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Add mobility exercise to routine: Per work out
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
x x x x x X x x x X

Goal: Add Facial Yoga to Routine: 1 time per week.
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Whiten and straighten teeth in 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x X x x x x X

Goal: 1 Internal organ cleanse per 6 months – pill form
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x X X x x x X

Goal: 1 Hydro cleanse per 6 months – 8 ounces of water per day for a month
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x X x x x x X

Goal: 1 Vegetarian Cleanse per 6 month – January and July
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x X X x x x X

Pasycological: Based on the first three questions in the assessment, what can I do to achieve my target age, increase my happiness, and increase the level which I view my self?
Life Question Spiritual Physical Psychological
How old would someone think you were if they just met you? Mature 30 -35 years of Age 30
How happy are you with life? 7 7 7
At what level do you feel you are at in life? 8 7 6

Question: What is your goal for the way that people perceive you in regards to your Psychological Self?
Goal: I would like people to see me as stable psychologically and extremely intelligent. I would also like to be perceived as young and energetic. My target age is 25 in psychological age.
This is the category that I am the hardest on my self. I believe that when I was young that event that happened to me lead me on a path of self development and life long learning. I feel that I did not receive the education that I would had like to have and am constantly struggling against individuals that know more about different subjects than I do. I also feel that I am at a disadvantage because I am learning at an older age. I rated this item a 6 because I feel that this part of me is holding me back the most. This is why I always want to receive recognition and certifications. I think that this stems back to an issue with my parents. They were never supportive of school and did not push me academically. I do not blame them but I feel that this has put me behind others my age.
Goal: Read/ listen an additional 12 books or lectures in the subject of strategic development and skill development 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
x x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Write second book on real estate investing by the end of 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Break world record in brick breaking: 150 bricks in 10 seconds by end of 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x X x x X

Goal: Break baseball bat with shine kick by end of 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
x x x x x X x x x X

Goal: Complete 24 hours of math practice in 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x x x x x x X

Goal: Read 1 Science Book – Biology, Physics or chemistry
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x X x x x x X

Goal: Write book – “Life lessons I learned from Buffy the Vampire Slayer” in 2011
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X X x x X X x x x X

Goal: Develop Business Training Manual
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X X x x X x x x x X

Goal: Redefine Business Plan
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x x x X X x x x X

Goal: Redefine Marketing Plan
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X x X x X x x x x X

Goal: Read 1 Social studies book
Holistic Evolutionary Intentional PC Dynamic Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
X X x x X X x x x X

There is an old saying that “90% of the time a plane is off course to it destination and the pilot is always making course corrections”. I truly believe this to my core. What I would like to do to make sure that I keep my goals is have a reward for reaching them. Therefore I am committing to myself to achieve my goals in 2011. As a reward for achieving my goals I will go on a trip to Las Vegas mid way through the year and Hawaii at the end of the year. I will not be able to go on these trips unless I hit my goals.

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